Monday, March 28, 2011

Video and Worksheet

Today, Mdm Riza showed us a video on the reaction of zinc with hydrochloric acid as the experiment we had done before, by mixing both the substances had failed. The inflated balloons in the video showed us that gas is produced during the reaction. We then had to complete a worksheet based on what we saw from the video.

I learnt that when zinc (reactive metal) mixes with hydrochloric acid, they produce hydrogen gas that caused both the balloons to be inflated. But the rate at which the balloons are inflating is different from one another. I think it is because of the different amount of the zinc and hydrochloric acid in both the conical flasks. I wonder if the balloons would burst if the reaction was stronger.

I also learnt that effervescence is a process in which bubbles are continuously given off by the reaction in the liquid at a very fast rate.

(Reaction of zinc and hydrochloric acid that causes the balloons to be inflated)

 Sources: Google Images

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