Friday, July 23, 2010


3 Thoughts:
1) Knowing what are the factors that will affect my marks for the discussion forum in There are many factors involved which are promptness and initiative, relevance of post, expression within the post, delivery of post and the contribution to the learning community by commenting on our peers' post. The maximum points that we can score (if we did very well in every factors) is 20 points.
2) There are three ways in which we can write our learning reflections. Firstly, we can use the "I used to think...but now I think..." method. Second method is using a headline to talk about the most important aspect that should be remembered in the lesson taught on that day. Lastly, it is the 3-2-1 way of responding which I am using it now.
3) I found out why when one fruit is rotten, the rest of the fruits around it will also rot. It is because when a fruit rots, it gives out a type of gas that causes the other fruits around it to rot too.

2 Questions:
1) What is the type of gas in which causes the fruits to rot called?
2) Is the gas harmful to our body?

1 Useful application:
1) By knowing the reason why when one fruit rots, the rest will also rot, we can apply it to our everyday life. When we have a basket of fruits and if one starts to rot, we must quickly dispose it so that it will not cause other fruits to rot too.

Well, most of today's Science lesson, Madam Riza was explaining to us of what she expects to see in the responses and reflections in the discussion forum and our Science blog respectively. I really enjoyed the Science lesson today!

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